Saturday, January 24, 2009

An aspect of policy

One president of the united states was "swapped" with another from 2 days.
Although I'm not going to talk about the issue from political point of view, but I'll consider what I'll take about an aspect of policy.

In addition to the vast number of ways the inaguration was broadcasted, the Presidential Inaugural Committee (PIC) decided to stream the event live and online on its web site. The surprise that they have chosen to stream the event using Silverlight the Microsoft new technology instead of Adobe Flash.

The other thing that is a point of concern that at 12 am of the cermony day the white house website was "dressed" in a new design and had the new president's face on it. Also check its blog.
Was I fault when I said it is an aspect of policy?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

New web ideas

Instead of studying algorithms for tomorrow's final exam, I prefered to break the ice of exams days by talking about 2 of these new ideas, I've recently read about
The first is simple; You write a message and determine a distenation email, instead of recieving the message, the distenation will fracly recieve other 2 things: an mp3 attached file and a link to a flash both are audio version of the message. The project launched on Tuesday is called "Blind Speak" is its beta version.

The other thing I would talk about is just a fancy way to preview google search results for a query that is inspired from Linux famous desktop cube.
You can rotate the cube by holding shift + dragging, open a search result by clicking it ..